Capitol Square Project to have early morning concrete pours on Feb. 18 and 21
/Last week, workers laid rebar for the mat slab foundation that will support the new central utility plant.
JE Dunn Construction Company will start work on the Wyoming Capitol Square Project at 4 a.m. on Saturday, February 18 and 1 a.m. on Tuesday, February 21 to handle two large concrete pours to install the structural mat slab foundation for the new central utility plant (CUP).
We appreciate your patience as we complete this critical phase of the project. In order to complete these critical pours, the operation must occur without city traffic interfering with the delivery of concrete. This is the only critical mat slab pour on the project. Please direct questions related to the construction work and special work hours to JE Dunn Construction Company at (307) 275-0123.
Timing of the Pours
On Saturday, February 18, crews and equipment will begin arriving on site at 4 a.m. with the concrete pour beginning at 5 a.m. On Tuesday, February 21, crews and equipment will begin arriving at 1 a.m. with the pour, beginning at 2 a.m. On these days, two concrete pump trucks and many concrete trucks will be working on and around the project site causing construction noise and congestion in the neighborhood throughout the early morning and afternoon.
The two large concrete pours cannot be viewed by the public as this is an active construction zone but we will share the photos of it via Facebook and Instagram.
Replacement and relocation of the CUP
As a part of the Capitol Square Project, the existing CUP will be replaced, relocated, and expanded to accommodate additional equipment. The CUP supplies mechanical and electrical service to five State buildings: the Capitol, Herschler Building, Barrett Building, Supreme Court Building, and Hathaway Building. Combining a renovated CUP with the Capitol Square Project allows for economies of scale in construction costs while also addressing critical replacement of failing equipment and piping. Relocating the CUP allows for additional space needs to be met in the tunnel, which will be called the Capitol Extension, that connects the Capitol to the Herschler Building. Learn more
Last week, workers laid rebar for the mat slab foundation that will support the new central utility plant.
A 1981 photo of pouring the concrete foundation for the Herschler with the concrete pump truck.