Legislative Service Office Scheduled to Relocate June 26


For Release: Immediately

Contact: Anthony Sara, Legislative Information Officer

To Reach: (307) 777-7881

Legislative Service Office Scheduled to Relocate June 26

CHEYENNE – The Legislative Service Office (LSO) will relocate to the Jonah Business Center located at 3001 E. Pershing Blvd. in Cheyenne during the Capitol Square Project, which includes rehabilitation and restoration of the Capitol and Herschler Building. The LSO will be closed for the move on June 26 and will resume normal business hours at this new location on June 29.

The LSO’s move will be the first part of a phased move to the Wyoming Legislature’s new location. In August, the remainder of the Legislature’s operations, including the House and Senate Chambers and committee rooms, will be relocated to the Jonah building. In the meantime, some legislative committee meetings may still take place in the Capitol. Find the Legislature’s latest meeting calendar at www.wyoleg.gov. The legislative sessions will be held at the Jonah Business Center during the project, beginning with the 2016 Budget Session on Feb. 8. 

Although the Wyoming Legislature’s physical address is changing, the mailing address and telephone numbers will remain the same:

213 State Capitol

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Telephone: (307) 777-7881

Fax: (307) 777-5466


For more information on the Capitol Square Project visit www.wyomingcapitolsquare.com.   – End –