10:00 AM
Jonah Business Center, Room L54
3001 E. Pershing
Cheyenne, Wyoming
The purpose of this meeting is to consider issues related to Capitol design, Herschler Building design, Capitol Extension design, site design, and potential change items.
Please direct questions about this meeting to Legislative Service Office Committee staff LSO - Wendy Madsen at: (307) 777-7881.
Individuals who plan to provide materials to the Committee during the meeting should provide the materials in electronic format to Committee staff and provide sufficient hard copies for members of the Committee, Committee staff and interested members of the audience. Hard copies should be on three hole paper.
All materials provided to the Committee in written form will be part of the official record of the Committee’s meeting and will be on file at the Legislative Service Office. Minutes of the meeting will be available on the legislative Web site at: www.wyoleg.gov.
Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Legislative Service Office at: (307) 777-7881, or by e-mail at: lso@wyoleg.gov, for assistance.
Members of the Joint Capitol Building Restoration Oversight Group
Senators: Eli Bebout, Fred Emerich, Drew Perkins, Chris Rothfuss
Representatives: Cathy Connolly, Steve Harshman , David Miller, Bob Nicholas
Additional members: Governor Mead - Chairman, State Treasurer Gordon, Tony Ross and Phil Nicholas